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Past Perfect Tense – 5 класс тесты с ответами

Past Perfect Tense – 5 класс тесты с ответами: бесплатные материалы для тестирования от преподавателя.

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме: «Past Perfect Tense»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

1. Как на русский язык переводится Past Perfect Tense?

– простое прошедшее время

+ прошедшее совершенное время

– прошедшее длительное время

– будущее время в прошедшем

2. Время Past Perfect обозначает:

+ действие, которое завершилось до определенного момента в прошлом

– действие, которое завершилось к настоящему моменту

– регулярные действия в прошлом

– действие, которое происходило в определенный промежуток времени

3. Выберите правильную формулу образования Past Perfect:

– was/were + Ving

– have/has + V3 (ed)

– am/is/are + Ving

+ had + V3 (ed)

4. Дополните предложение “As soon as I … breakfast, I ran out to play”, используя форму Past Perfect глагола:

+ had finished

– finished

– finish

– have finished

5. Вставьте пропущенное слово в предложение “Tom … his report, and was feeling rather tired, so he went to bed”:

– has finished

– finished

+ had finished

– had finish

6. Какая форма Past Perfect составлена неверно?

– had become

+ had putted

– had cooked

– had started

7. Вставьте глагол “to watch” в Past Perfect: “He … this TV programme before his parents came home”:

+ had watched

– watched

– watches

– has watched

8. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to sleep” в Past Perfect:

– had sleeped

– have/has sleep

– have/has been sleeping

+ had slept

9. Дополните предложение “The children didn’t want to go to the cinema because they … already … the film”, используя форму Past Perfect глагола:

– have … seen

+ had … seen

– have … gone

– had … gone

тест 10. Выберите правильно составленную отрицательную форму Past Perfect:

– not had done

– did not have done

+ had not done

– does not had done

11. Какое слово является показателем времени Past Perfect?

+ already

– now

– every morning

– yesterday

12. Какое из вопросительных предложений составлено верно?

– Have they lived in Moscow before they moved to Paris?

– They had lived in Moscow before they moved to Paris?

– Did they had lived in Moscow before they moved to Paris?

+ Had they lived in Moscow before they moved to Paris?

13. Выберите правильно составленное предложение:

– When mother came I had cooked dinner already.

+ When mother came I had already cooked dinner.

– When mother had come I had cooked dinner.

– When mother came I had cooked dinner now.

14. Выберите правильный перевод предложения «Вчера я закончила свой проект к 5 часам»:

– I have finished my project by 5 o’clock yesterday.

– I had finish my project by 5 o’clock yesterday.

+ I had finished my project by 5 o’clock yesterday.

– I finished my project by 5 o’clock yesterday.

15. Какое из вопросительных предложений составлено неверно?

– Had Robert used this computer program before?

+ Did Nickolas washed his car by 3 o’clock yesterday?

– Had you cooked dinner when you mother came home?

– Did he keep secret that he had bought a toy for his daughter?

16. Вставьте пропущенное слово «By 4 o’clock he answered all the letters he …”:

– received

– had receive

+ had received

– did received

17. В каком из данных отрицательных предложений допущена ошибка?

– Unfortunately Alice had never used this computer program before.

+ When we came to our friends, their house was dirty, they had not cleanned it for weeks.

– It was so noisy at home when Nickolas came back. Nobody had gone to bed.

– She had not finished her homework when her father came home.

18. Вставьте пропущенные слова «How … you … to pass the exam if you … even … the textbook? »:

– had you hope, had not even opened

+ did you hope, had not even opened

– did you hope, did not even open

– had you hoped, had not even opened

19. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to read” в Past Perfect:

+ had read

– had readed

– have read

– had reading

тест-20. Выберите правильную отрицательную форму глагола “to eat” в Past Perfect:

– had not eat

– have not eated

+ had not eaten

– had not eated

21. Выберите правильный вариант «I … in America for 4 years when my cousin came there»:

+ had already lived

– did already lived

– had already live

– have already lived

22. “She had planted roses before he came”. Выберите подходящий к этому предложению рисунок:

вопрос теста Past Perfect Tense 5кл. Задание 1

23. Какое слово является показателем времени Past Perfect?

+ by the time

– tomorrow

– just

– a month ago

24. Составьте предложение из следующих слов: “had”, “the”, “o’clock”, “Jane”, “by”, “six”, “cleaning up”, “finished”, “?”

– She had finished the cleaning up by six o’clock?

– Had she finished cleaning up by the six o’clock?

– Had the cleaning up she finished by six o’clock?

+ Had she finished the cleaning up by six o’clock?

25. «… my brother had finished school he entered the university». Какое слово здесь пропущено?

– Now

+ As soon as

– Tomorrow

– While

26. Какая форма Past Perfect составлена верно?

– had came

+ had come

– has come

– had comed

27. «… Mr Drill driven to the airport by 6 o’clock last week?» Какое слово здесь пропущено?

– Did

– Has

+ Had

– Have

28. Дополните предложение “Hardly I … into the house, when it began to rain”, используя форму Past Perfect глагола:

– had ran

– had runned

+ had run

– have run

29. В каком варианте представлен неправильный глагол в форме Past Perfect?

– had watched

+ had drunk

– had stopped

– had happened

тест_30. Выберите правильный вариант «Mother had baked … before the party started»:

вопрос теста Past Perfect Tense 5кл. Задание 2

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