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Past Perfect Tense – 6 класс тесты с ответами

Past Perfect Tense – 6 класс тесты с ответами: бесплатные материалы для тестирования от преподавателя.

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме: «Past Perfect Tense»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

1. Выберите правильную формулу образования Past Perfect:

– was/were + Ving

– have/has + V3 (ed)

– am/is/are + Ving

+ had + V3 (ed)

2. В вопросительных предложениях в Past Perfect Tense перед подлежащим ставится:

+ had

– was

– did

– do

3. В каком варианте представлен неправильный глагол в форме Past Perfect?

– had played

+ had cut

– had stopped

– had happened

4. Дополните предложение “My mother … to Italy before 2015”, используя отрицательную форму Past Perfect глагола:

– was not

+ had not been

– had not be

– had been

5. Вставьте пропущенное слово в предложение “Tom … his report, and was feeling rather tired, so he went to bed”:

– has finished

– finished

+ had finished

– had finish

6. Вставьте глагол “to meet” в Past Perfect: “He … his friends before his parents came home”:

– met

– meets

+ had met

– has met

7. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложение “Before she … an actress she … as an teacher”:

– became, worked

– became, was working

– had become, worked

+ became, had worked

8. В каком варианте ответа представлен правильный перевод данного предложения “Она посадила розы до его приезда”?

+ She had planted roses before he came.

– She planted roses before he came.

– She planted roses before he had come.

– She had planted roses before he come.

9. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложение “Tom … English and Spanish before he … the university”:

+ had studied, entered

– studied, had entered

– had study, entered

– had studied, had entered

тест 10. Определите по рисунку, какое слово пропущено в данном предложении: «My little brother ate all of the … that our mum had cooked»:

вопрос теста Past Perfect Tense 6 класс. Задание 1

– cherry-pie

+ apple pie

– ice-cream

– cake

11. Дополните предложение “When her little sister went out to play, she … her homework”, используя форму Past Perfect глагола:

– already done

– was doing

+ had already done

– had already do

12. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложение “During the summer holidays I … to the village where I … in my childhood”:

– went, lived

– went, was living

– had went, had lived

+ went, had lived

13. В каком варианте представлен правильный пример диалога?

– Where did you worked before you entered the university? – I worked at the cafe before I entered the university.

– Where did you worked before you had entered the university? – I worked at the cafe before I had entered the university.

+ Where had you worked before you entered the university? – I had worked at the cafe before I entered the university.

– Where had you worked before you had entered the university? – I had worked at the cafe before I had entered the university.

14. Выберите вариант ответа, в котором указан правильное описание данного предложения: «Jack showed the teacher the picture which he had drawn»:

вопрос теста Past Perfect Tense 6 класс. Задание 2

15. В каком варианте представлен неправильный глагол в форме Past Perfect?

– had watched

+ had read

– had learned

– had talked

16. Выберите вариант ответа, в котором указан правильно составленное вопросительное предложение к данному предложению: “The girl was glad that she had found a suitable hat”:

+ Why was the girl glad?

– Why did the girl was glad?

– Where did the girl find a suitable hat?

– Why did the girl find a suitable hat?

17. “Why did nobody come to the party yesterday?” Выберите вариант ответа, в котором указан правильно составленный ответ на данный вопрос:

– Yesterday nobody did come to the party because Bob had forgotten to tell people about it.

– Yesterday nobody came to the party because Bob forgot to tell people about it.

– Yesterday nobody came to the party because Bob had not forgotten to tell people about it.

+ Yesterday nobody came to the party because Bob had forgotten to tell people about it.

18. Дополните предложение “Unfortunately I couldn’t find the book that my friend … me”, используя подходящую форму глагола в Past Perfect:

+ had given

– gave

– was giving

– had give

19. Дополните предложение “The children … TV after they … their homework”, используя подходящие формы глаголов:

– watched, finished

+ watched, had finished

– had watched, had finished

– had watched, finished

тест-20. Дополните предложение “Antony … me that he … one interesting film”, используя подходящие формы глаголов:

– said to, saw

– had said to, had seen

+ said to, had seen

– said to, had see

21. Дополните предложение “Alice … me the book about animals which she … three days before”, используя подходящие формы глаголов:

– given, bought

– gived, had bought

– give, had buied

+ gave, had bought

22. В каком варианте ответа представлен правильный перевод данного предложения «Вчера я узнала, что мой папа купил мне велосипед»?

– Yesterday I had found out that my father had bought me a bike.

+ Yesterday I found out that my father had bought me a bike.

– Yesterday I found out that my father bought me a bike.

– Yesterday I had found out that my father had bought me a bike.

23. Дополните предложение “My father … to wash his car by seven o’clock yesterday”, используя подходящую форму Past Perfect глагола.

– had finish

– was finishing

+ had finished

– finished

24. Дополните предложение “When Nikolay came home after his work he wasn’t hungry, because he … a dinner with his colleagues”, используя правильную форму глагола “to have” в Past Perfect Tense:

– had

– had have

+ had had

– has had

25. В каком варианте ответа допущена ошибка?

– had had

+ had sang

– had said

– has hidden

26. Дополните предложение “By eleven o’clock the teacher … all the students”, используя подходящую форму Past Perfect глагола:

– had examine

– examined

+ had examined

– examine

27. Дополните предложение “I … my homework before I … my friends”, используя подходящие формы глаголов:

+ had done, met

– did, had met

– did, met

– had done, meeted

28. В каком варианте ответа представлен правильный перевод данного предложения «Света не могла позвонить Юлии, она потеряла свой мобильный телефон в тот день»?

– Sveta couldn’t call Julia, she had loosed her mobile phone that day.

– Sveta couldn’t call Julia, she lost her mobile phone that day.

– Sveta couldn’t call Julia, she has lost her mobile phone that day.

+ Sveta couldn’t call Julia, she had lost her mobile phone that day.

29. В каком варианте ответа допущена ошибка?

+ had wrote

– had put

– had let

– has known

тест_30. В каком варианте представлен правильный пример диалога?

– Why did you come here on foot? – When I arrived at the stop, the bus left.

– Why did you come here on foot? – When I arrived at the stop, the bus had leave.

+ Why did you come here on foot? – When I arrived at the stop, the bus had left.

– Why did you come here on foot? – When I arrived at the stop, the bus had not left.

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