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Past Simple – 10 класс тесты с ответами

Past Simple – 10 класс тесты с ответами: бесплатные материалы для тестирования от преподавателя.

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 10 класса по теме: «Past Simple»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

1. Выберите правильную формулу образования Past Simple:

– was/were + Ving

– have/has + V3 (ed)

+ V2(ed)

– V3 (ed)

2. В каком варианте представлена отрицательная форма данного предложения: «Billy and Jim played chess yesterday»?

+ Billy and Jim didn’t play chess yesterday.

– Billy and Jim did no play chess yesterday.

– Billy and Jim didn’t played chess yesterday.

– Billy and Jim not played chess yesterday.

3. В каком варианте ответа допущена ошибка?

– had

+ did sang

– didn’t say

– played

4. Дополните предложение “Andy … an interesting idea”, используя подходящую форму глагола:

+ had

– did have

– did

– did had

5. Найдите предложение, в котором допущена ошибка:

+ She not looked alive.

– The man introduced me to his wife last week.

– Whom did you meet in the party last Saturday?

– Yesterday I was getting very worried.

6. Дополните предложение “Why … you … so many mistakes in your test?”, используя подходящую форму глагола:

+ did, make

– made, –

– did, made

– were, make

7. “… the teacher … you any questions in the exams yesterday?” Вставьте пропущенные слова в нужной форме:

+ Did, ask

– Did, asked

– Do, ask

– Did, asks

8. В каком варианте представлена утвердительная форма данного предложения: «Jessy didn’t want to stay at the hotel last weekend»?

+ Jessy wanted to stay at the hotel last weekend.

– Jessy stayed at the hotel last weekend.

– Jessy wanted to stayed at the hotel last weekend.

– Jessy want stayed at the hotel last weekend.

9. В каком предложении употреблен неправильный глагол?

+ When did you buy those boots?

– Masha didn’t like his behavior.

– Did Ann clean her room yesterday?

– The children played football last summer.

тест 10. Найдите предложение, в котором допущена ошибка:

+ Rick didn’t woke up on the next day.

– He noticed someone around the corner some minutes ago.

– I didn’t listen to the radio this morning.

– What did you eat yesterday evening?

11. «Where were the girls yesterday?» Ответьте на вопрос, опираясь на данный рисунок:

вопрос теста Past Simple 10 класс. Задание 1

+ The girls were at the cinema.

– The girls were in the shop.

– The girls were at the café.

– The girls were in the park.

12. Дополните предложение “When did Sandra … that coat?”, используя подходящую форму глагола:

+ buy

– buyed

– did buy

– bought

13. В каком варианте представлена отрицательная форма данного предложения: «Helen knew my address, and she came to me quickly»?

+ Helen didn’t know my address, and she didn’t come to me quickly.

– Helen didn’t knew my address, and she didn’t came to me quickly.

– Helen knew not my address, and she came not to me quickly.

– Helen didn’t known my address, and she didn’t come to me quickly.

14. В каком предложении употреблен правильный глагол?

+ Why didn’t you listen to me?

– Mary brought a small cat a week ago.

– He put his bag on the chair and went out.

– Unfortunately, I didn’t meet her in the party.

15. «What was the weather like when Tom gave the girl flowers?» Ответьте на вопрос, опираясь на данный рисунок:

вопрос теста Past Simple 10 класс. Задание 2

+ It was sunny when Tom gave the girl flowers.

– It was rainy when Tom gave the girl flowers.

– It was dark when Tom gave the girl flowers.

– It was snowy when Tom gave the girl flowers.

16. В каком варианте представлена утвердительная форма данного предложения: «The child didn’t understand the meaning of those words»?

+ The child understood the meaning of those words.

– The child understand the meaning of those words.

– The child did understand the meaning of those words.

– The child understanded the meaning of those words.

17. В каком варианте представлено вопросительное предложение Past Simple Tense?

+ How much did you pay for chocolate?

– She had planted roses before he came, hadn’t she?

– What book is Alice reading?

– How had she lost her mobile phone that day?

18. Дополните предложение “Where did everybody … yesterday?”, используя подходящую форму глагола:

+ go

– did go

– gone

– went

19. “… you … Andy running last Monday?” Вставьте пропущенные слова в нужной форме:

+ Did, see

– Did, saw

– Do, see

– Do, saw

тест-20. В каком варианте представлено вопросительное предложение Past Simple Tense?

+ Did you see something interesting in Kazan?

– Were the children studying French from three till five o’clock?

– When had your father finished to wash his car yesterday?

– Do you want to ask any questions?

21. В каком варианте представлено вопросительное предложение Past Simple Tense?

+ Your parents trusted doctors, didn’t they?

– What was Nikolay doing when you came home?

– Are you hungry?

– Have you seen this film before?

22. В каком варианте представлено вопросительное предложение Past Simple Tense?

+ Where did Alice go last week?

– Karina has worked in this hotel for eight years, hasn’t she?

– Do you want to live in Saint-Petersburg?

– Yesterday I found out that my father had bought me a bike?

23. “I … … they … nothing yesterday”. Вставьте пропущенные слова в нужной форме:

+ am, sure, noticed

– am, sure, didn’t notice

– is, sure, did no notice

– am, sure, did notice

24. “Andrew … that bracelet on the ground two days ago, … he?” Вставьте пропущенные слова в нужной форме:

+ found, didn’t

– finds, didn’t

– found, did

– did found, did

25. В каком варианте указан правильный перевод предложения «Вчера Джесси встала в восемь часов, сделала зарядку и пошла купаться на речку»?

+ Yesterday Jessie got up at eight o’clock, did some exercise, and went swimming in the river.

– Yesterday Jessie had got up at eight o’clock, did some exercise, and went swimming in the river.

– Yesterday Jessie had got up at eight o’clock, had done some exercise, and went swimming in the river.

– Yesterday Jessie got up at eight o’clock, did some exercise, and had gone swimming in the river.

26. Найдите предложение, в котором допущена ошибка:

+ The boy breaked the rules.

– Igor shared his Birthday photos last Thursday.

– He liked sleeping all week when he was younger.

– Your uncle got up and sat to watch a movie yesterday.

27. В каком предложении употреблен правильный глагол?

+ Was the test difficult?

– Georgy didn’t go to Australia last year.

– Sasha knew the poem very good.

– I got that letter a month ago.

28. Найдите предложение, в котором допущена ошибка:

+ I didn’t promised Ann to help.

– She cut a sheet of paper.

– Did your parents buy a new house last year?

– She came out of her room and went outside.

29. В каком предложении употреблен неправильный глагол?

+ What did you eat yesterday?

– Did you stay at home three hours ago?

– I helped my mother to plant flowers yesterday.

– I switched off the lamp.

тест_30. “Why did nobody come to the party yesterday?” Выберите вариант ответа, в котором указан правильно составленный ответ на данный вопрос:

– Yesterday nobody did come to the party because Bob had forgotten to tell people about it.

– Yesterday nobody came to the party because Bob forgot to tell people about it.

– Yesterday nobody came to the party because Bob had not forgotten to tell people about it.

+ Yesterday nobody came to the party because Bob had forgotten to tell people about it.

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