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Past Simple – 7 класс тесты с ответами

Past Simple – 7 класс тесты с ответами: бесплатные материалы для тестирования от преподавателя.

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 7 класса по теме: «Past Simple»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

1. A lot of visitors ________ at the concert of classical music last Tuesday.

вопрос теста Past Simple 7 класс. Задание 1





2. Last weekend Mike’s best friend _________ to us with gifts from Italy.


was come


did come

3. Mary ________ a letter to her grandparents last month.




was write

4. My mother (1) _________ in the office yesterday. She (2) _______ at home.

+(1) wasn’t (2) was

(1) weren’t (2) was

(1) weren’t (2) were

(1) wasn’t (2) is

5. I __________ early last morning.

+didn’t get up

didn’t got up

wasn’t get up

wasn’t got up

6. Where ________ they last summer holidays?





7. The last New Year’s party ________ funny and cool.

вопрос теста Past Simple 7 класс. Задание 2





8. We ___________ dinner two hours ago.

don’t have

+didn’t have

didn’t has


9. (1) ________ you (2) ________ good mark at an examination last Monday?

(1) Did (2) got

+(1) Did (2) get

(1) Do (2) get

(1) Do (2) got

тест 10. Last evening Masha _________ borsch and dumplings.

was cook



was cooked

11. What (1) ________ your classmates (2) ________ last Saturday? – The (3) ________ a Zoo.

(1) do (2) do (3) visit

(1) did (2) did (3) visited

+(1) did (2) do (3) visited

(1) did (2) do (3) were visit

12. He (1) _________ to the swimming pool yesterday. He (2) _______his best friend in the park.

(1) didn’t go (2) meet

+(1) didn’t go (2) met

(1) didn’t went (2) met

(1) didn’t went (2) was met

13. What (1) _______ you (2) ________ last weekend? – I (3) ________ badminton with my elder sister.

+(1) did (2) do (3) played

(1) did (2) do (3) was play

(1) did (2) do (3) playing

(1) do (2) do (3) played

14. My grandfather was reading a book when I ________ into the living room.



was come

was came

15.When we _______ my parents, they were walking in the garden.


was meet

were meet


16. I was reading an interesting book when my mother ________ home.




was come

17. John (1) _________ basketball with his classmates last evening. He (2) ________ computer games.

(1) didn’t played (2) played

(1) didn’t play (2) play

+(1) didn’t play (2) played

(1) don’t played (2) played

18. When I ________, my little sister was watching cartoons.

вопрос теста Past Simple 7 класс. Задание 3

was get up

get up

+got up

was got up

19. What (1) ______ you (2) ________ last weekend?

(1) are (2) do

(1) do (2) do

+(1) did (2) do

(1) are (2) doing

тест-20. (1) ________ grandmother (2) _______ flowers yesterday? – Yes, she (3) _______.

+(1) Did (2) plant (3) did

(1) Did (2) planted (3) did

(1) Does (2) planted (3) does

(1) Does (2) plant (3) does

21. Last weekend we (1) _________, (2) ________ songs and (3) _______ cakes at Selena’s Birthday party.

(1) are dancing (2) singing (3) eating

(1) was danced (2) sang (3) ate

+(1) danced (2) sang (3) ate

(1) are dance (2) sing (3) eat

22. Last Monday I _________ to school.

don’t go

+didn’t go

didn’t went

don’t went

23. How old (1) _________ your elder brother when he (2) ________ five years ago?

+(1) was (2) got married

(1) did (2) got married

(1) does (2) was get married

(1) does (2) was get married

24. My best friend ________ in Greece two years ago.

вопрос теста Past Simple 7 класс. Задание 4


was live


are living

25. My uncle ______ a new car last month.


is buy


was bought

26. How much time (1) _______ your parents (2) ________ in Italy last winter holidays?

(1) are (2) spend

+(1) did (2) spend

(1) are (2) spent

(1) did (2) spent

27. Seven years ago my family _______ our old granny in the village.

вопрос теста Past Simple 7 класс. Задание 5

is visit

are visiting

were visit


28. I ________ an interesting historical novel about War last evening.

was read



am reading

29. I ____________ my grandparents last summer.

don’t visit

+didn’t visit

didn’t visited

don’t visited

тест_30. Last morning we _________ late.

are get up

were got up

+got up

get up

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