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Present Perfect – 7 класс тесты с ответами

Present Perfect – 7 класс тесты с ответами: бесплатные материалы для тестирования от преподавателя.

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 7 класса по теме: «Present Perfect»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

1. Jane ___________ in Greece for five month.

+has lived

have lived

has live

has living

2. My mother ___________ at this market for seven years already.

вопрос теста Present Perfect 7 класс. Задание 1

have work

has work

+has worked

have worked

3. Mark (1) _______ already (2) ______ us many interesting stories about his travel to New York.

+(1) has (2) told

(1)have (2)told

(1)have (2)talk

(1)has (2)talk

4. She ___________ keys on the road yet.

hasn’t find

+hasn’t found

haven’t find

haven’t found

5. (1) _______ you (2) ________ to the museum today?

(1) Has (2) been

(1) Have (2) be

(1) Has (2) be

+(1) Have (2) been

6. How long (1) ________ you (2) _________ in Saint Petersburg? – For two years.

(1) have (2) live

(1) has (2) live

(1) have (2) living

+(1) have (2) lived

7. My father ____________ anything since this morning.

+hasn’t eaten

haven’t eaten

hasn’t eat

havent eaten

8. My best friend and I (1) ________ already (2) __________ many cartoons this morning.

(1)has (2)seen

+(1)have (2)seen

(1)have (2)see

(1)has (2)see

9. I __________ theatres for three years.

hasn’t visiting

haven’t visiting

+haven’t visited

haven’t visit

тест 10. (1) _________ you already (2) _________ a present for your mother? – Yes, I (3) ________ already (4) ________ a present for my mom.

(1) Have (2) buy (3) have (4) bought

+(1) Have (2) bought (3) have (4) bought

(1) Has (2) bought (3) have (4) bought

(1) Has (2) buy (3) have (4) buy

11. How long (1) _______ she (2) _________ as a doctor? – She (3) __________ a doctor since January.

вопрос теста Present Perfect 7 класс. Задание 2

+(1) has (2) worked (3) has worked

(1) have (2) worked (3) have worked

(1) has (2) worked (3) has work

(1) have (2) work (3) have work

12. (1) _________ your parents just (2) __________? – Yes, they (3) ________ just (4) __________.

+(1) Have (2) arrived (3) have (4) arrived

(1) Has (2) arrived (3) have (4) arrived

(1) Have (2) arrive (3) has (4) arrived

(1) Have (2) arrive (3) have (4) arrive

13. I (1) ________ already (2) _________ my homework.

(1) have (2) do

+(1) have (2) done

(1) has (2) do

(1) has (2) done

14. My grandparents (1) _________ never (2) ________ to the United States of America.

(1) have (2) be

(1) has (2) been

(1) has (2) be

+(1) have (2) been

15. They ___________ to this market every weekend since they moved here.

has gone

+have gone

have go

has going

16. (1) _________ you ever (2) _________ to Germany?

(1) Has (2) been

(1) Has (2) be

+(1) Have (2) been

(1) Had (2) be

17. My little sister (1) ________ never (2) ________ to our parents.

(1) has (2) lie

+(1) has (2) lied

(1) have (2) lied

(1) have (2) lie

18. Mary’s parents ___________ in the village for two years.

has stay

has stayed

+have stayed

have stay

19. How long (1) _________ you (2) _________ each other? – We (3) ____________ each other for eleven years.

+(1) have (2) known (3) have known

(1) has (2) known (3) have known

(1) have (2) know (3) have know

(1) have (2) known (3) have know

тест-20. We _________ gifts from our grandparents regularly since last autumn.

вопрос теста Present Perfect 7 класс. Задание 3

had received

+have received

has received

have receive

21. We __________ together ones a week since childhood.

have meet

have meeting

+have met

has met

22. Why is your father so tired? – He _________ a lot of work in his office today.

has has

+has had

has have

have had

23. (1) ________ your friends ever (2) ________ to Peterhof? – No, they (3) _______ never (4) ________ to Peterhof.

+(1) Have (2) been (3) have (4) been

(1) Have (2) been (3) haven’t (4) been

(1) Have (2) be (3) have (4) been

(1) Have (2) been (3) have (4) be

24. What literature (1) ______ she already (2) _______for her research paper?

(1) has (2) use

+(1) has (2) used

(1) has (2) using

(1) have (2) used

25. My mother (1) _______ already (2) _______her car.

(1) has (2) clean

(1) have (2) cleaned

+(1) has (2) cleaned

(1) has (2) cleaning

26. Are you going to the library? – I (1) _______ already (2) _________ there today.

(1) have (2) be

(1) has (2) been

(1) have (2) was

+(1) have (2) been

27. Our dog (1) _______ just (2) ________ mother’s favorite vase.

вопрос теста Present Perfect 7 класс. Задание 4

(1) has (2) broke

+(1) has (2) broken

(1) has (2) broked

(1) have (2) broken

28. My father reads newspapers every morning. But today he __________ the paper yet.

вопрос теста Present Perfect 7 класс. Задание 5

+hasn’t read

haven’t read

haven’t reading

hasn’t reading

29. I am calling my best friend. This is the second time I _____________ him this morning.

have phone

has phone

+have phoned

has phoned

тест_30. I ___________ my best friendfor ten years.

+have known



is know

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