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Present simple тест 3 класс с ответами

Present simple тест 3 класс с ответами: бесплатные материалы для тестирования от преподавателя.

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 3 класса по теме: «The Present Simple»

1. I ______________ a toy car.

a) Am

b) Can

c) Have +

2. She ___________ an apple.

a) Can

b) Is

c) Has +

3. A school__________ big.

a) Is +

b) Live

c) Has

4. A cat______________ milk.

a) Have

b) Is

c) Likes +

5. Mice ____________ cheese.

a) Like +

b) Likes

c) Can

6. I _______________ to school from Monday to Friday.

a) Am

b) Go +

c) Can

7. My dad _____________ a big car.

a) Is

b) Have

c) Has +

вопрос теста Англ.яз. 3 класс. Задание 18. We _____________ many 

a) Have +

b) Has

c) Likes

9. There ____________ a pen in the bag.

a) Has

b) Is +

c) Are

тест 10. There _____________ books on the shelf.

a) Have

b) Is

c) Are +

11. There ___________ some butter in the fridge.

a) Is +

b) Are

c) Have

12. There ____________ any milk in the jar.

a) Is

b) Are

c) Is not +

13. There ___________ potatoes in the basket.

a) Have

b) Is

c) Are +

14. There ___________ any ice-cream in the fridge.

a) Are

b) Is

c) Is not +

15. We ___________ Math on Monday.

a) Have +

b) Has

c) Do

16. I ______________ tennis on Wednesdays.

a) Have +

b) Can

c) Plays

17. She ______________ piano every day.

a) Does

b) Plays +

c) Has

18. My family ________ in a big flat.

a) Live

b) Lives +

c) Have

тест-19. Соедините картинки и предложения:

вопрос теста Англ.яз. 3 класс. Задание 2

Ответы: а) – 2), b) – 3), c) – 1)

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