Тест с ответами: «Past Perfect»: бесплатные материалы для тестирования от преподавателя.
1. Я прочитала эту книгу к понедельнику. I ______ that book by Monday.
а) had read+
б) have read
в) read
2. Мы поужинали до того, как приехали наши родители. We ______ dinner before our parents ______
а) had had, arrived+
б) had, arrived
в) had, had arrived
3. Как давно вы знали мистера Брауна до этого? How long ______ Mr.Brown before that?
а) did you know
б) had you known+
в) had you knew
4. When the twins _______ at the party, the girls _______ home.
а) arrived, had already gone+
б) arrive, had already gone
в) arrived, has already gone
5. The owner of the house _______ that the tenant _______ his wife.
а) found out, had paid+
б) found out, had pay
в) found out, have paid
6. When I came home after work I wasn’t hungry, I __ a dinner with my colleagues.
a) I had have
б) I had had+
в) I have had
7. When Max met Anna, he hardly recognized her, she ______ a lot.
a) had changed+
б) has been changed
в) changed.
8. Я закончил свой проект вчера к 3 часам. I ______ my project by 3 o’clock yesterday.
а) had finish
б) had finished+
в) finished
9. Я узнал что не сдал экзамен. I ______ out that I ______ the exam.
а) had found, didn’t pass
б) had found, hadn’t passed
в) found, hadn’t passed+
10. When we came to our friends, their house was dirty, they ____ it for weeks.
a) hadn’t cleaned+
б) hadn’t cleanned
в) had cleaned
11. Anna couldn’t call Maria, she __. her mobile that morning.
a) has lost
б) had loosed
в) had lost+
12. Liana didn’t want to come to the cinema with us, because she ____ the film.
a) had already seen+
б) had already saw
в) hadn’t already seen
13. I _______ as I _______ at work all night.
а) was exhausted, had been+
б) was exhausted, have been
в) was exhaust, had been
14. The schoolchildren _______ lunch by the time I _______ in.
а) had just had, came+
б) has just had, came
в) have just had, come
15. I _______ at home because I _______ the performance
а) stayed, had already seen+
б) stayed, have already seen
в) stay, had already seen
16. I thought that Mrs. Fowler ______ us everything.
a) was told
б) told
в) had told+
17. He ______ in the house he ______ for himself near the Devon coast.
a) had lived______had built
б) lived______had built+
в) lived______built
г) had lived______built
18. The telephone on his table ______ and he ______ it up.
a) rang______had picked
б) rang______picked+
в) had rung______picked
г) had rung______had picked
19. This house _______ very quiet because everyone _______ to bed.
а) was, had go
б) was, had gone+
в) was, have gone
20. The girl _______ her teacher the article which her mother _______ .
а) showed, had translate
б) showed, had translated+
в) showed, have translated
21. My son _______ a car which _______ .
а) saw, had broken down+
б) saw, had broke down
в) see, had broken down
22. I _______ chess as I _______ it before.
а) was good at, have played
б) was good at, had play
в) was good at, had played+
23. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) He wasn’t convinced that she had committed the crime.+
б) He didn’t convinced that she had committed the crime.
в) He wasn’t convinced that she had commit the crime.
24. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) By the time the plane had been arrived, we had been at the airport for half an hour.
б) By the time the plane arrived, we had been at the airport for half an hour.+
в) By the time the plane had arrived, we were at the airport for half an hour.
25. He ______ the bill and ______ .
a) had paid______left
б) paid______left+
в) had paid______had
г) paid______had left
26. She ______ on her coat and ______ for a walk.
a) had put______went
б) put______went+
в) had put______had gone
г) put______had gone
27. He _______ an apple before he _______ a phone call from her.
а) had eat, got
б) have eaten, got
в) had eaten, got+
28. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) When Mike had got back the babysitter had left.
б) When Mike got back the babysitter had left.+
в) When Mike got back the babysitter would had left.
29. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) Kate’s brother had taken his final exam by the time she left school.+
б) Kate’s brother took his final exam by the time she left school.
в) Kate’s brother had taken his final exam by the time she had left school.
30. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) Did David sacked Kate before she had been had a chance to explain the situation?
б) Had David sacked Kate before she had a chance to explain the situation?+
в) Did David sack Kate before she had had a chance to explain the situation?