Тест с ответами: «Present Simple»: бесплатные материалы для тестирования от преподавателя.
1. Can you help me? I ________ the way to the market.
a) not know
б) am not know
в) don’t know+
2. ________ Peter ________ any beer in the fridge?
a) Have________ got
б) Does.________have+
в) Do________ has
3. My daughter Mary ________ apples, but she likes oranges.
a) not likes
б) doesn’t likes
в) doesn’t like+
4. My mother ___ lots of money on clothes.
a) don’t spend
б) spends+
в) spend
5. Martin never ___ me text messages.
a) sends+
б) doesn’t send
в) send
6. Don’t give him cigarettes. He ________ .
a) don’t smoke
б) doesn’t smoke+
в) isn’t smoke
7. What’s the matter? You ________ very happy.
a) look+
б) looks
8. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) Do you go to work by auto?+
б) Does you go to work by auto?
в) Is you go to work by auto?
9. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) Do he go to the theatre?
б) Is he go to the theatre?
в) Does he go to the theatre?+
10. ___ many houses?
a) Does he owns
б) Does he own+
в) Do he owns
11. This train ___ at 10.30 every day.
a) leaves+
б) does leave
в) leave
12. ___ lunch at work?
a) Are you usually have
б) Do you usually have+
в) Does you usually have
13. I ___ too much coffee.
a) drinking
б) drinks
в) drink+
14. The bank always ___ on time.
a) opens+
б) is open
в) open
15. ___ to you regularly?
a) Does your relatives write
б) Do your relatives writes
в) Do your relatives write+
16. We ___ for the delay.
a) apologize+
б) apologizes
в) apologizing
17. You never ___ what may happen.
a) knows
б) know+
в) don’t know
18. Я встаю в 7 часов утра каждый день. I ________. at 7 a.m. every day.
а) gets up
б) get up+
в) got up
19. Она ходит в нашу школу?
а) Do she goes to our school?
б) Do she go to our school?
в) Does she go to our school?+
г) Does she goes to our school?
20. Она американка? Нет, она из Канады.
а) Is she American? No, she is from Canada.+
б) Does she American? No, she is from Canada.
в) Is she American? No, she does from Canada.
21. Я не самый лучший брат, да?
а) I do not the best brother, do I?
б) I do not the best brother, am I?
в) I’m not the best brother, am I?+
22. Мы обычно ходим на рынок по пятницам. We usually ________ to market on Friday.
а) go+
б) goes
в) are go
23. Ты голодный?
а) You are hungry?
б) Are you hungry?+
в) Do you hungry?
24. Максим не говорит на испанском языке.
а) Maxim don’t speak Spanish.
б) Maxim isn’t speak Spanish.
в) Maxim doesn’t speak Spanish.+
г) Maxim doesn’t speaks Spanish.
25. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) I am not drink alcohol.
б) I don’t drink alcohol.+
в) I not drink alcohol.
26. Последний поезд уходит в 17 часов. The last train ________. at 17:00.
а) leaves+
б) leave
в) leavs
27. Они мне не доверяют. They ________. me.
а) don’t trust+
б) doesn’t trust
в) not trust
28. Как это работает?
а) How does it work?+
б) How do it work?
в) How does it works?
г) How do it works?
29. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) She drinks a lot of coffee.+
б) She drink a lot of coffee.
в) She is drink a lot of coffee.
30. Выберите правильное предложение:
а) My sister haves a car.
б) My sister is have a car.
в) My sister has a car.+